Yogi TEA

Well-wishes microsite

Role / Jr Designer

The client's objective was to develop a unique online well-wishing experience for users to send heartfelt messages to friends and loved ones. To achieve this, we designed and implemented the Well-Wishes microsite, which featured a dynamic visual element—a changing tree and background that corresponded to the time of day of the user’s visit: morning, midday, evening, or night.

Upon visiting the microsite, users could compose and send their personalized well-wishes along with a chosen sample tea for the recipient to enjoy. An email notification would be sent to the recipient, informing them of the special well-wish waiting for them on the site, along with the selected tea sample thoughtfully chosen by the sender. This thoughtful and interactive experience aimed to foster meaningful connections and create a sense of warmth and care between senders and recipients.

After the user submits a well-wish, a tea tag with the message will display.

Depending on what time of day you visit the site, the watercolor image will display either early morning, daytime, evening, or nighttime scene.



